Having a carefully designed lesson plan facilitates
the development of the class and has the result of having a meaningful learning
experience with your students, since the lesson plan is about planning each
element in detail so that the student achieves the required learning.
To make a lesson plan you must do:
1. Identify the learning objectives.
Before planning your lesson, you must identify the
learning objectives of the lesson. A learning objective describes what the
student will know or be able to do after the learning experience. It is usually
written in a language that students easily understand.
2. Plan to evaluate the student's understanding.
The assessments provide opportunities for students to
demonstrate and practice the knowledge and skills they should have.
The evaluation planning allows you to know if your
students are learning what they have learned in the classes.
3. Plan to sequence the lesson in an attractive and
meaningful way.
- Calling students' attention is a key to students
paying attention to the class and studying it.
- Inform the student of the objectives: So that the
students assimilate what they will learn and then put them into practice in the
activities organized in the class.
- Stimulate the memory of previous knowledge: This stage
helps the students to understand the new information relating it with something
experienced by them.
- Present new content: Variety of interactive methods
such as: readings, activities, projects, multimedia and others.
- Provide guidance: Advice students on strategies to
help them learn the content.
- Practice: Allow students to apply the knowledge and
skills learned in the class.
- Students must learn to apply knowledge in group or
individual activities, and to provide comments on the topic.
A productive lesson is not one in which everything
goes exactly as planned, but one in which the students and the instructor learn
from each other and the class is not only a class but a time to play and learn
at the same time with activities in the classroom.
It is likely that teaching and learning techniques
help students to participate actively in classes where they are aware of the
knowledge acquired based on classroom activities that are very important when
running one, especially in the area of kindergarten, since age is a great
challenge to maintain the attention of children with common techniques and not
And as the name implies, are activities designed or
implemented by the teacher to carry out or create conditions for optimal learning.
The difference between a Learning by Design approach to employ various learning
activities and other teaching approaches is related to the pedagogical nature
or main intention of the selected activities. For that we must take into
account these steps:
an activity / task
Activity route maps
Before the lesson: become familiarize with the
material / activity prepare any material or text you need.
-In class: lead-in / prepare for the activity.
Set the activity: to give instructions, make groupings, etc.
Run the activity: the students perform the activity /
monitor them.
-Close the activity: freedback.
Post-activity: do any appropriate follow-on work.
Exploiting an activity: The way in which teachers or
students use research to meet their learning objectives.
The activities in the classroom are very useful when
it comes to making a lesson plan which are the practices for a greater and
specialized learning, the position that you need the techniques and the games
to be able to see the students included the given topic In addition, students
are guaranteed to entertain themselves.

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