martes, 20 de noviembre de 2018

Building language awareness/ Language analysis

Building language awareness
State or ability to perceive, to feel, or to be conscious of events, objects or sensory patterns. More broadly, it is the state or quality of being aware of something. In biological psychology awareness is defined as a human’s an animal’s perception or event.
Explicit knowledge about language, and conscious perception and sensitivity in language learning, language teaching and language use. Good knowledge about language, a conscious understanding of how language work or how people learn them and use them.
Cognitivist learning theory
As a prerequisite for the structuring of the learner’s mental representation of the language, some degree of conscious awareness is necessary.
Awareness-raising activities
ü  Explicit focus on the rules of the system.
ü  Help learners uncover gaps in their knowledge.
Interest in current approaches, learner independence, learner autonomy, learning strategies, self-directed learning, self-access, individualization.
We focus on teaching aspects or features of language that is the formation of language through grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation within a given context while being aware to achieve better practical language use. In the past, teaching of aspects or features of language was though through the use of rules, exercise memorization, drill test without much content or context and without being aware of what is being though, we are making conscious and relative effort of what is being practiced that students can use with purpose.
Making the lead to learn a new language while  being captivated and aware is a difficult for both the teacher and the students. It includes the following characteristics:
ü  Language use should be focused appropriately both situational and cultural that is understandable and easy to relate.
ü  Interactive participation is required so the students doing the work to learn the language.
ü  Discussing the language and its form in terms of metalanguage: break down and describe or analyze language( grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation while in context)
ü  When focusing on the aspects of language there are two broad approaches to learn a language comprehension.

Finding a topic that can encompass full language use like world history and explore individual cultural diversity. Encourage students to talk about their background knowledge so they can relate to new topic information being discussed.

In the past language was though without much context. Thus, the learned was basic, simplistic and limited. Language is situational and goal set driven and as a language teachers we have known how we are teaching language to help direct students goals and needs. There are many variables to consider as teach educational class setting is different. The type of language learning activities may an may not work with teens and adults as they do well with children. With what in mind, as teachers we must be aware ourselves of what English we are teaching and provide many different activities that explore each and every students needs and want.

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